
Duffield School Course Options

Our goal for the school year is to introduce students to a variety of Career and Technology Foundations (CTF) courses which may spark a passion for future career goals. Our teachers will be facilitating courses for our Grade 7, 8, and 9 students on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. The students will participate in six different courses throughout the school year. There may be costs associated with these courses, and any fees must be paid in advance of registration for each course. We strive to find a balance between courses that have a fee attached and those that would be free for students.

The CTF curriculum honours student diversity and promotes the meaningful and authentic exploration of various occupational areas. This curriculum supports programming decisions at the local level (e.g. time, resources, instructional approaches, assessment, reporting and organization for instruction). This ensures that CTF courses are responsive to the needs of students, teachers, schools and communities.

Through the learning outcomes, the CTF learning process promotes the development of literacy, numeracy and competencies while exploring a variety of occupational areas belonging to the five clusters:

  • Business
  • Communication
  • Human Services
  • Resources
  • Technology

CTF challenges or tasks that integrate at least two occupational areas provide students with an opportunity to experience the interconnectedness of skills, knowledge and technologies associated with various occupational areas. Students engaging in CTF challenges or tasks alternate between the processes of planning, creating, appraising and communicating in a non-linear manner.

For more information about the possible CTF courses that could be offered in the upcoming school year, please check out the Alberta Education website.